Title Register Service-UK


United Kingdom

Learn and transact by obtaining an accurate and sufficient Title Register search.

Our comprehensive set of Title Register document contains detailed description of the property on several matters that relates to it’s current standing. This document delivers a complete information to make the concerned interested parties aware of the property details like the current ownership including the date of the registration, address of the owner, the tenure, price value information of previously transacted sales/purchases, any form of restrictions, maintained on the register about the covenants on the land and so. This document also demonstrates the details of registered charges, mortgages and leases on the property.

These information are obtained from the official authoritative body, the Land Registry Title Register that provides all particulars pertaining to the details of the property you seek to know about. This stands without any doubt as the official document that evidences the property ownership. This document are brought in extensive use by professionals and non-professionals alike, and conveyancers for several bonafide reasons like; preparation of a contract, transfer deed, checking the ownership title, pruchase price, registered charges, terms of ownership by the current owner.

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